The best way out is always through...
-Robert Frost
"And if I give all my belongings to feed others, and if I hand over my body, that I may boast, but do not love, I am not profited at all."

-1 Corinthians 13:3

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lunar Eclipse

So guess what happened last night?! Im sure you know. It was the total Lunar Eclipse, happening for the first time since the 16th century! I my self set my alarm for 2 am and went outside to see it in its final stages. The moon was tiny and in the wrong place, it seemed. It was orangy red. Here is a nice fast little 33 second video of the Eclipse:

Tell me if you had a similar experience, or if you stayed up all night long to see it.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Sad Day

Thirty years ago today John Lennon was murdered by a deranged fan. So its a sad day :/

On the news, they did this memorial part for him. They showed his last interview, which was three days before he died actually (Dec. 5th). Well, just a lil part of it. I think it was like a nine-hour interview for the Rolling Stones? But the part on the news was him saying "You know, its really true. I do believe that All You Need Is Love. I truly believe that..."
They put in a few other parts too, but thats really what I remember...

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Guess what today is! ? ! ? ! ?

Today is exactly fifteen years after the day i was born! isnt that amazing?! Im so happy.

Here is a note from my mother about the day I was born:
"What an exciting day this was fifteen years ago. I can't believe so many years have flown by. I am so proud of my baby that has grown into such an amazing young lady. I couldn't have asked for more. I look forward to the next fifteen years to see what a beautiful woman she becomes."

Monday, November 29, 2010

Anniversary ! ! !


I'ts November 30th!! (PRETEND ITS NOVEMBER 30TH PLZ)

Guess what that means?! Its our one year Anniversary! Exactly one year ago, i wrote my first post. It was on a Monday too! Is that freaky or what?!

To commemorate this momentous occasion, plz go back to November 2009. There is only one post for that month, so it wont be too difficult to find. I just want you to read it. Think on it. Meditate.

Think, what was I doing this time last year?
Have I reached any goals of mine?
Are there things I needed to work on, that I accomplished?!
How have I changed?
What do I need to change?



I figured it out!!! only moments ago, i was in despair about how i would have to count all the comments on each post ive written EVER, but NO!!
its much easier than that!!! I had to search deep into the interworkings of to figure it out (thats not true, really all i had to do was click on "Published Comments" in my account and there it was) and it was very difficult (no it wasnt) and required complete concentration (no it didnt), but i figured it out!!!

There have been, are you ready?! 233 comments ever since i started this blog! It seems like such a long time ago! It was last yeah its been about a year.


Weve hit 1500 visits!!!! isnt that CRAZY?!

I need to count up the comments...Its probly quite a few. But that will take a lot of work :( and numbers. And i have to go through like every single post and count the comments on it. ugh...i wish there was an easier way...
so if i do that BE GRATEFUL!!! haha just kidding.

But seriously, if i do do that, you better comment on it. and say thank you or something like that. haha just kidding!!

No im not.

Friday, November 26, 2010


I was just looking at yearbook stuff online (Im making my own yearbook this year. Or at least planning to.) And all these celebrity photos from high school came up. Some look exactly the same and others are like WHAT?!?


Thats George Clooney!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dreams and Break

I have two new dreams on my Dream Page...comment on them!!

Lets see..What else?

Its break time! Break from school, from work. At least for a few days. I get the whole week off! Its been a crazy week too. And its so hard to keep track of what day it is...I keep thinking its Saturday.
And I get to sleep in!!! Even during the regular week I dont get to sleep in. I have school during the week, Service on Sat morning, and early Sunday meeting. 9:30. So this is a treat :D haha

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Beatles v. Joan Jett

My dad sent me this. It is really awesome...I thought I would share it with the rest of yall:

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Psalms 25:5

New Favorite Scripture:

"Make me walk in your truth and teach me, For you are my God of salvation. In you I have hoped all day long."
Psalms 25:5

Apperantly...or Apparently? (which spelling?)

Okay so apparently i need to update more here goes.

Today i had to present a World Geography project on Guatemala. Did you know their population below poverty line is 56%???? and their GDP (per capita) is only about $5,100! The average American GDP is what...$40,000?? crazy difference.
Though THEY only have 3% unemployment. We have like 10% i think? or 8% or something like that.

Then at lunch, the power went out. It happens all the time at the school. This is like the third time this year. All the lights go out and its hilarious becuz watever it was you were doin in class, you are no longer doing that. haha. the last time it happened, i was in Math class, and we dont have windows in there. Plus, it was meant as a computer lab, so the lights are automatically dim. So it was pitch black. Each class comes equipped with an emergency light that nvr goes off, but ours was so dim, it did absolutely no good. so we just sat there and talked in the dark. it was great :)

Now im just typing whatever comes to mind....

Weve been reading Romeo and Juliet in English, and a few days ago we FINISHED!!! I was so happy...ugh you have no idea how many packets of questions we got! A packet for every ACT, there are 5 ACTS. Then a character evaluation packet. Then a packet covering the whole play.

I got a new seat in English im in the front row. I guess im the problem child, she has moved me 3 times now.

We also had a fire drill today. during PE. YES!!!! I love fire drills. its a get-out-of-class-free-card...haha

OH!! and yesterday we had to leave my math class, so a drug dog could go in and sniff everyones stuff. This has happened like twice now. well actually 3 times if you count last year. The princepal walks in and says "can everyone please leave all your stuff and step out into the hall for a moment?"
so we all get up and leave our stuff.
but this time it was hilarious cuz he poked his head out of the door after a minute of being in there, and says "We need _______(dont wanna say the name) to go the office please." and this girl is a major, fur use of a better word, a goody goody. Does all her work, gets straight A's, is in all the after school clubs and runs track. Liked by all the teachers. the LAST person you would say does drugs. So she hears her name and her eyes get HUGE!! She starts freaking out. And she does this mummy walk down the hall in disbelief. She had already gone down the hall quite a way when the princepal goes "what? the phone rang while i was in there, so i answered it."
we all started cracking up....*sigh

Monday, November 1, 2010

November/ Game

Its November 1st!!! I dont know if thats significant to anyone but its 11-1-10. haha! isnt that funny?!

And Im watching the Baseball game right now too...were losing 3 to 1. If we lose this game Texas is out :'(

Friday, October 29, 2010


Do you wanna know the worst thing ever? (well its probably not the worst thing ever. Actually I know its not, but anyways)
When people move away....its so sad and depressing and horrible. It makes you have that deserted feeling. Makes you sad and uncomfortable and feeling a bit stationary, stagnant, as if everyone is moving on (not meant as a pun) without you...and did I mention its sad??
Why do people have to move anyway? What is wrong with where you are, that you have to move, like, 4 or 5 hours away? I dont care if there are better job oppurtunities or if there is a nicer house there. "I want you HERE", you say. But people dont ever listen to you. Unless you are saying that they want to hear of course.

Free Hit Counter

WOW!!!! look at the free hit counter (to the right above the archive)!!! you are adding to that number right now....I thank you :) all you guys...youre awesome!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I spent 6 hrs last night on homework. From the SECOND i got home, to around 9 oclock at night. And i didnt even get it all done...I only stopped for about 5 minutes to eat dinner.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sweater Season

I love sweater season!!! This month would be considered sweater wearing a sweater right now as a matter of fact. Its blue. and RLY RLY soft.
I love October....September is still quite warm, and November is pretty cold. TOO cold for my taste.
Anyway today was my first day of the season to wear a sweater, so I thought I might tell you guys...

What is YOUR favorite piece of apparell and WHY?! Put it in your comment if you would please.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

biology project continued

I figured out what im gonna do for my biology project! A Cell Pop-up book!!! ive already made the covers (made of wood). i spray painted them green. it looks pretty cool :)
Though i still have not a clue how to make it pop-up on the inside. im still experimenting with printer paper, trying to figure out the most stable way to do it. ugh...well if you guys find any links or anything on how to make pop up books (ive already done alot of research actually) then send em my way!

this is gonna be a long 5 days until this thing is due....

Sunday, October 10, 2010


GUESS WHAT TODAY IS!!!!! 10-10-10 WOOOOOOOOOOW I KNOW RIGHT?!?! its quite feels special. Today. And in some ways i guess it the 10-10-10 thing of course :D Have a great day, From Kaitlin Renee <3

Monday, October 4, 2010

science project

I have to do another science project....We have one every 6 weeks. so this one is about cells. i have to do this model thing explaining each part of a cell. we can do this many different ways. this is what some people did:
-a story with the parts of the cell as characters, explaining the parts of the cell in a story.
-a poem and/or song
-a t-shirt with a painted representation of a cell
-this one girl embroidered a PILLOW!! like does she not have a life? when would a person have time to do that?!
-some person did a mozaic! like with glass peices glued onto a peice of wood and everything. it was pretty cool, but yet again, who has time to do that?! and if i did that, then it would be totally obvious i copied that person's idea. *SIGHHHHHH*

i dont know what to do! we have to present these to the class, so i dont want it to be something stupid or embarressing, like a crappy poem or something.

ANY IDEAS?!?!?!?!?!

Monday, September 20, 2010


I am officailly DONE with my first science project!!!!! I am so exstatic about I feel all happy inside that its OVER. Ive been like working on this thing for about 2 weeks now...I turn it in tmrw and I will be very happy to. I worked so hard I think I deserve a 100, but thats just me :) lol. no I think Ill at least get an A...I should, as hard as I worked on it.

And yesterday, we found a black widow in the back of the was huge!! She was gaurding an egg sack, which had lil baby black widows coming out of was DISGUSTING. So we killed them all, and put the mom black widow into an empty pickle jar, and I took it science class with me today. I gave her to my science teacher, and I think she was happy :) i was too. I had been carrying that thing around all day, and in every class, i took it out and set it on my desk, just to see everyone freak out. It was great, haha!!

well see ya!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I need to update my Dreams and Thoughts on...
But i dont wanna :/

So ill think about it and get back to you on that.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


okay well this contact thing is getting waaaay easier...just wanted to add that in here real quick....

And i got my first Progress Report this week!!! (thats the report card i get every 3 weeks. not the REAL report card)

so im pretty happy with it...all A's so far this year! yay!!

This week is Homecoming at my know, the "big game" and the dance. yadda yadda. watever. it doesnt really interest me all that much...

So we had our first fire drill yesterday too. it was cool. not really. it was actually muddy outside and we had to go in the grass :P but now i am prepared if there is a fire in second period!!! *fists in the air!* YES!

I did my first "sketchbook assignment" this week! its due thursday, but i finished it today, so i am way ahead! hooray!!



Friday, September 10, 2010

School Details

Spanish is GREAT!!! My favorite class of the day :)

History is UGHHHH. so annoying. I have not a one amigo in there. Ive made a few friends that sit around me, but Im still unhappy :( And a coach is teaching it. Which is supposed to make it really easy right? WRONG. It is not gonna be an easy A.

Science is so fun! My lab partner is named Savannah and shes so awesomely smart and cool. We have to disect a rat this year!!! *disgusted face*

Then i go to lunch and its just lunch. pretty good i guess...

I go art after that, and its kinda boring. I only know like 2 people in there, cuz the rest are all like juniors and seniors. pooey. but so i really like the art teacher! she doesnt let other kids get away with goofing off, which i really like.

Math is cool cuz we get to eat in there (today i finished my potatoe chips from lunch cuz i was done with all my math stuff) but the kids are annoying. Its all the kids that fail every class all year long, just becuz they are too lazy to turn in work.

PE of course is not fun, but bearable. This is my first time in 4 years to have a male coach.

Then i go to english which is a bore. I dont know why i keep taking advanced english classes...I always regret it. Today we had a "discussion" debate thing about this book we had to read over the summer.

so thats my day in a nut shell :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


oh my gosh it is POURING outside!!! The thunder is SOOOO loud! the house is like shaking.
i got out of school today and it was raining, had been for a few hours. So its raining and the school doesnt have any awnings or anything to stand under. so i stood next to this brick posty thing that blocked the rain. cuz it was comin down in sheets sideways. not straight down.
so its still raining and im sittin in my room. doin World Geo homework. seriously i had SOOOO much hw today! good greif it was alot. Science this year is a beating! (oh im sorry BIOLOGY) were ALREADY doing a project. she gave it to us on the 2ND day of school!!!!! insane right?!?!
madi got these soooo cute high tops! They are hot pink and sparly with flowers and butterflies on them!! haha shes been wearing them non-stop since she got em.

and now im just rambling. yay for me!! *rolls eyes*

and its still raining.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Day of School

Okay so my first day of school went a lil like this:
I walk in the building, and see this HUUUUUGE line in the foyer area. I then figure out that im supposed to get yet ANOTHER schedule today. So i get in line and get my sched. I find a table in the cafeteria with a big group of freshman, so i sit down with em. Were all talking and laughing then this weird dinging noise happens. It does NOT sound like a bell. At all. So were all like Wat The Heck Is That?! But all the other kids are now goin to class so we follow suit.
My first period is Spanish and i think it will be alot of fun! There are only 6 freshmen in that class, but the teacher seems rly great!! Second period is History and its just gonna be Bleh! probably. But a coach is teaching it and i think it will be a breeze :)
Third is gonna be my fun class! I have alot of friends in there and science is just fun! Usually science is pretty easy (Though im taking Biology this yr) so i hope it wont be too difficult.


4th is ART!!! YAY! Tho the teachers husband just died recently so shes still not in the best mood :(

5th is Math. bleh!! Its Algebra 1 and its so math-y i dont like it at all. 6th is PE and i have only a few friends in there :/ its mostly frshmen though.
Then last i have 7th period and its English. yay! i love books and literature and reading so this is a good class for me. This year we are focusing on World Literature so thats cool!!

So my first day of High school went somewhat like that. And so did the next 2 days. (today was my third day of school) Pretty great huh? not really. but i think it will be a good yr! trying to stay optimistic!! hey the glass is half full right? uh huh

-your new freshman

Sunday, August 22, 2010


ok this is VERY IMPORTANT!!! it is soooo very important that you comment on this post! Me and Cassidy Taylor and Abby Brackeen are havin a cake making contest. We each made a cake and decorated it. But im not gonna tell who made which cake...its anynomous. You just comment on who's you like the best!!


Cake #1

Cake #2

Cake #3

stay tuned

check my blog in the next couple days to see how my first day of High School goes.....i want to know myself!! haha. so click that lil yellow star, favorite this site, and keep checkin it to stay informed!


Thursday, August 19, 2010


So who wants to guess the news?! I think practically everyone already knows anyway, but I got contacts!!! I can now survive without glasses, where a few days ago, i would not have been able to. They are so cool! Like you dont have those rims in your way, and no matter what angle you look, you always have the lens in center! You know if you look waaaaaay up or to the side, its blurry? well with contacts you dont have that problem!
But contacts are more work. they have to be really clean and they cant be too dry becuz hello! they are on ur eyes!! And so far, ive had some trouble getting them in and out. Tho this evening, it only took me 5 minutes to get them out!! how great is that?!?! but this morning it took me 45 mins to get them in. that makes me sad :( . but this is only my second day with them in! my first day trying to get them in by myself!! so i think its still ok.

Oh man it is POURING outside!! It just thundered really loud too!! wow.
-a glassesless (is that a word?) kaitlin

Monday, August 16, 2010


just sittin here ripping cds. its taking FOREVER so im just listenin to youtube and messin around. Im listenin to Prisoners in Paradise....kind of a slow rock n roll song. lets check the progress of my ripping: 5.5 songs of 9 done. were gettin there. im rippin some Journey next....i wonder how much my mp3 holds. i need to buy some aerosmith mp3s and stuff online sometime. but i need money to do that :) haha

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

All About ME!!!

heres some little stuff bout me:

favorite book (Besides La Biblia of course!!! :)?
um....thats tough. i might say...Little Women? I love Pollyanna! Song of the Sparrow...Just Listen....hmm. but the best DRAMA ive ever read...The Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry series...*sigh. its so sad.

favorite movie?
cant pick, sry

most WATCHED movie?
Finding Nemo...for sure!!! I can quote you the whole thing if you want.

favorite room item?
besides my have to say my bookshelf. take away the dresser, desk ...even the tv, just dont lay a finger on my books!!!

favorite word?

favorite nail polish color?
other than natural clear, i adore green! i love blue but, a little too shocking i think to wear daily.

"Organized" or "Neat"?
Organized. im not always neat, but i at least have an organized mess :)

Would you rather: sort something alphabetically, or by genre?
Genre is easier to organize, but alphebetically makes it easier to find. my books are by genre.

favorite article of clothing?
My comfy and cute worn out jeans!

So theres a little about moi! be fun yall!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

funny pics

ok, look closely...he is NOT an owl.

that is soooo perfect!

woah is that photoshopped?!



Change Of Plans...*SIGH

okay so here i am...typing away. who wants to guess where i am?! come on!!! just guess.


Well okay ill make it multiple choice:
A. Tyler Tx
B. Australia
C. Home
D. Guatalupe

Ok, i think its down to a 50/50. either A or C, right?
Well its C. I am at home :/ And this really saddens me quit a bit cuz i was SUPPOSED to stay at my great grandmas until FRIDAY! well, its obviously not friday so you may be asking yourslef "WAT HAPPENED?!"
well heres wat happened. and its pretty lame actually; I GOT SICK. wow. i know. well i was really naucios and my stomach hurt and i couldnt sleep last night becuz of it and it was just a bad deal. so i delegated ALLL morning, and decided to come home with norm and madi and tyler.


and theres somthin fishy about all this too....every single time i go try and learn to sew with my great grandma, somethin terrible happens!!
1st time: My ear drum busted. lovely.
2nd time: The stupid sewing machines wouldnt work!
This time: I get sick the day before and have to come home.

i dont know if i want to repeat this experience nxt year or not....


Friday, August 6, 2010


well im goin outa town tmrw. goin to Tyler. Ill check my email and stuff on my great grandmas comp so dont worry! i wont forget you! youre my peeps, how could i?!

oh and who has seen that DUMB commercial "DVD NOW KIOSK"??? its so stupid! this lady is lookin at somethin that looks like a red box (the movie rental thing) and shes like "the ppl that own that probly get alot of money! i wonder how i can get in on that!" then this guy is like "YOU CAN!!!!!!!" and it goes into this whole deal about owning movie kiosks. like, who just randomly walks up to some establishment or facility and says "hey i want to own that!" NO ONE thats who! its so stupid.

but anyway thats my rant of the day. ttyl,

Thursday, August 5, 2010


new dreams too....

HS Registration

Okay so i need a quarentine!!! Everyone in my house has been sick but me the past 2 weeks. Madi started it with her throwing up-ness. Then tyler started throwing up. Now my mom has a fever and norm is still in bed. he didnt go to work. so im staying im my room!!!

I went to my High School Registration this morning! we had to fill out a ton of paper work, but i got my schedule!!! im so excited! here it is:

1st Spanish 2
2nd World geography PAP
3rd Biology PAP
4th Art 1
A Lunch :)
5th Algebra 1
6th PE (foundation of personal fitness?)
7th English 1 PAP

btw, PAP means Pre AP. AP is like Advanced Placement or something. So its "Pre Advanced Placement". You get just AP in 11th and 12th grade. :D

-your own Wonderful Delightful Spectacular Freshman girly <3

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

fun-ny observation

HEY! Ive written the same amount of posts in July then I did in ALL of 2009 (17)!! LOL :D

I just drank an Orange Cream Slush from Sonic. So this post is dedicated to you, Sonic! Live Long! haha jk. i rly could live without Sonic, though they ARE the best place to get drinks.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Circuit Overseer Visit

CO Visit this week starting today!!! Br. Harmon is coming. (well he lives in the back of our hall so hes not really "coming") Im so excited! We have meeting tonite and thurs nite. Plus an xtra talk this coming Sunday. Need to prepare for the meeting tonite...its gonna be a fun one! I love the CO Visit, if you hadnt noticed.


English Muffin

Gonna eat an English Muffin with some sausage and egg and cheese in a minute.....yumm. With mushrooms too. i <3 mushrooms! The muffin is in the toaster as we speak. I keep talkin bout my breakfast. I dont know why. Cuz thats all i can think about i guess :)
Every single morning at 8 a.m. Madilyn and Tyler wake up. They get up and start messin around and playin and fighting and yelling. They get LOUD too. Its super annoying. Thats whats new in my life.
But anyway...wats new with you guys?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Shout Out!

This is to all my wonderful commenters!! Thanx so much for commenting. i finally got rid of that "word verification" thing, so its faster/easier to comment. And ive been getting alot more comments since i got rid of that. But thanks anyway! :D its so awesome getting comments. makes me feel all happy and stuff <3

luv u,

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Blog Visits....


Look at how many visits Ive had....Seriously its CRAZY. Its OVER 500!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hadnt looked at it in like a long time (few weeks at least) and i just thought "I wonder how many ill have.....maybe itll be around 400!! That would be awesome!"

And then.....well LOOK!!! its incredible....

-KaItLiN ReNeE


Who likes my tractor poem?! :D

Grayish Silver Box

Okay i dont know wats up with the Aerosmith picture being there twice...i have no idea.

But anyway, i just wanted to let you know that the little grayish silver box underneath each post, with the Tweet and Email symbols on them, are like for "sharing" or something. I dont really care about it at all. This morning i logged in to blogger and it said "You should try this sharing thing blah blah blah. Click 'not interested' or 'try now'!!!!". (it really did have that many exclamation points) So i clicked the 'try now'. Now its there and idk how to get it off. But i really couldnt care less. If it bothers anybody or anything, just tell me and ill try to figure out how to delete it.
And now i think this is the fastest post ive ever typed!! haha :D

Sunday, July 18, 2010

More. . .

Interesting Quotes

"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic."

"A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer."

"If the world should blow itself up, the last audible voice would be that of an expert saying it can't be done."

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

june 10th dream

So LAST NITES dream was rly wierd too. not scary though. I was at the kingdom hall. it was pretty normal. But in the parking lot, there were a bunch of cheerleaders in blue outfits. and they werent even girls!!!! like it was a bunch of guys in skirt cheerleading uniforms!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


I had the wierdest dream last night. A bad dream rly. I was taken hostage with i think 2 other ppl in a...Radio Shack!!! WIERD. I remember there were electronic things really high up on the walls, so i guessed it was a radio shack.
It was these 3 giant fat guys taking us hostage, i think. Its a little hazy, I dont remember all the details.
And i dont even know why they were taking us hostage. i dont think they asked for ransom or anything. It was super creepy. I woke up all scared...eek!

Convention 2010

Okay so ive been to 2 days of my district convention already and its been great!!! its so much fun watching the demonstrations. today there were 2 rly funny demonstrations. one was about how NOT to act when youre an assistnat at the door. The brother did a great job of acting vry disinterested in the presentation. He even pretended to pet an imaginary dog :D haha.
the second one was about how you shouldnt push your health opinions on others, esp at the Hall. "Toxiconan levels" he said, lol. Like wat is that?!

so it has been pretty good. tmrw we are eating chicken fajita salad for lunch...yummm!! with alvocado and everything! itll be good.

gotta go take a shower, gotta be fresh and clean for the last day of our convention tmrw!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Museum of Science and History

okay so Elizabeth thinks i dont update enough, so here is yet another post.
We went to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and Histoy yesterday. That place is huge!! its so big it took like 4 hrs to see the whole thing. At 5:45 pm we went to the Omni (i max) theater and saw Avatar on the "big screen". (Now ive seen it like 7 times...haha)It was pretty awesome, but made u rly rly dizzy in the fast moving parts. u literally have to turn to see whats goin on on the other side of the screen. and the theater is HUGE!!! it was packed and we were up about half way.

Friday, July 2, 2010

More Advice

I just wanted to tell everyone the one and only most annoying tv show for ppl under the age of 5 to avoid: Yo Gabba Gabba.
Dora is a close second. Even Go Diego Go is better than Dora. Ugh have you SEEN "the Map"?!
"im the map
im the map
im the map
im the map

And then he lists the 3 places OVER AND OVER AND OVER again.
"Tell Dora:
River Volcano Maountain
River Volcano Mountain
River Volcano Mountain.
River Volcano Mountain!!!!"

Must i go on? i dont think so.


Okay i just wanted to say that Totinos party pizza is disgusting. dont be fooled by the comercial with the "Were kids in America" song. Its ketchup and cheese on chewy cardboard. bleh

Monday, June 28, 2010


Tommarrow Madi is turning 4 years old!!!! I feel so old....

I remember the day she was born...
We were at my granparents house that night, back when they had an apt. We woke up, pretty early, and got ready. Driving to the hospital, it was light out already (This was in June remember). We come thru the doors and try to find the room mom is in. she is layin on the bed, still very pregnant. They are waiting for the OR to be clear, so they can go do the scheduled C section they had planned weeks ago. Another woman was having an Emergency C section at the moment so we had to wait.
Finally the OR is clear, so they can go in (Mom and Norm that is). So we go to the Labor and Delivery Waiting Room. As Mom walks to the OR then gets her Epidural, we are all just sittin around. Then we here she was born, and we go to the big window that is n front of the nursery. we watch the nurse clean Madi up, and get weighed. The nurse scrubbed and scrubbed, but she just wouldnt get clean! Madi was screaming so loud was soooo red. Even after we left the window we could still hear her. Alot of family were there, Me and tyler, Grandma and granpa Glynn, B-mama, Grahm, Norm and Shirley.
Then we went back to the waiting room and ate burritos waiting for mom to get out of the OR. Madi had to stay in the nursey for a little while, while they finished cleaning her. Later that day we went back to the hospital to see mom and madi finally, and I got to hold her :)

But that was 4 years ago!! 4 years!! I cant even believe it.

Sunday June 27th

Oh my gosh i am so bored. I should tan outside somemore....

Yesterday was the grad party for Dillon T and Gabe and Lorena Bautista at the Blaggs house. It was HOOOOOTTTT. Around 101 degrees. They have a pool though so it was nice. I didnt want to even get in originally, but then Madi wanted to swim, and she cant go in the pool by herself. So either me or my granpa would have to go in, so i went in reluctantly. But it was much nicer in the pool then just sittin beside it. Even if you were in the shade.
But the party was alot of fun. They had 2 gigantic cakes!! One was made up of cupcakes, and the other was just a giant brick of a cake. It was at least 6 inches thick, no joke! I left with my granparents and went to their house. Then we went home. And all this after getting up at 7:30 and getting READY for the meeting, then GOING to the meeting. What a day. But that was yesterday. Today is Monday. Woop-ty Doo :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I love writing letters! Its so much more fun than just calling someone. You get to write it, which no one writes letters anymore so its different. And then you get to put it in an envelope (I have perfected the 3 fold!!!), seal it, write the addresses on there, put that little red flag up on ur mailbox.
The only thing is, its more expensive than just emailing or calling, if you have unlimited txting or calling. Stamps cost moola and they wont send without them. And envelopes. Paper costs $$$. But not THAT much :) thank goodness. I couldnt live without paper. Hello -Books!!!! And Im constantly writing stories or poems or sketching things. I just wrote a new poem today actually. Its pretty good I think. Maybe ill type it up here later.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Ive got over 200!! (check the bottom of this page) Its so EXCITING!!!
Whos excited?! ME!!! thats who!!

Ive been working on my tan, and i know i am DEFINATLEY tanner than i was at the end of the school year. I still have a ways to go, but its a start. Any body have suggestions for moi?

Stay Awesome!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Reluctant Heiress

June 19

Today is June 19th...blah blah blah. Wat shall i do today?
Well i have to pick up (clean that is) the for tmrw's Watchtower study....go over Ch. 10 in the Bible Teach....Look at 10 more q's in the Organized book....wat else?
I just took a shower. Madi had one too. So were all clean :)
Right now she is in the process of attempting to make my bed. I believe she needs some help, so Ima go for now. TTYL,


remember, i <3 u!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Vizsla Puppies

We have puppies!!!!

They were born a few weeks ago, and are just recently opening their eyes. Samantha, our Hungarian Vizsla (pronounced Vee-si-la) is the mother. 5 girls and 2 boys. Soooo cute!!! They are red-brown in color, and are about 6 inches long now. They just scootch around cuz their legs are so short right now they cant really walk on them, and its adorable :D

Vizslas are bird hunting dogs, and are very slender and sleek with very short hair, so you cant keep then outdoors in winter or else they will "freze to def" as Madi would say.

We will be selling them when they get old enough and they are full bred vizsla, so if you are planning on buying a vry expensive puppy stay in touch, haha.


Whose been to Fuzzy's? Its pretty good. And Cassidy, i know you guys took me but that doesnt give u bragging rights :)

Anyways, i had fish tacos, and they were GOOD. Im just sitting here at my computer and there is this Fuzzy's Tacos cup next to me, so i thought i would write about it. Thats how bored i am.

Shout Out!

This is a shout out to my cuz, Elizabeth, becuz she is an awesome person! I believe u can do many amazing things if u set ur mind to it. You are so smart (were you rly valadictorian?) and beautiful. Keep up with ur studyin of the scriptures and ull go places chica!!!

Love, K

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

! ! ! ! !

Notice!!! I have hit over a 100 viewers since May 29th! Thats insane!!!
how many days is that?!

didnt know i was that popular....
but all these people need to start commenting!!!


Favorite Song

Okay so my new favorite song of the day is Alice (underground) by Avril Lavigne. I know its supposed to be for that certain movie -which is great btw- but it kind of falls into the catagory of just life in general. Like,
"I'm freaking out, where am I now?
Upside down and I can't stop it now
Can't stop me now, oh oh"

Can be pertained to most bad things that happen in life. you know?

Anyway i like that song and i like this Beatles song called Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Its a really wierd song, but really cool too...haha.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Like the new Blog Template?! I love it and think its pretty!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mall Cops

Im watching this show called Mall Cops: Mall of America. These policmen (and police-women) have to deal with these people you wouldnt believe. And they know theyre on tv too! So its even more embarressing.Its crazy how rediculous some of these people are!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Summer Reading List

I have to read this book over summer break called Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. I dont even think it has anything to do God. I dont know. Havent read it. Found it on Amazon for $0.05!!! shipping is like 4 bucks though...haha

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Kid Shows

Why do lil kid's shows have to be so stinking abnoxious?

Hannah Montana, Phineas and Ferb, Spongebob, Big Time Rush, Max and Ruby, Cyberchase, Martha Speaks, etc.

The only one that i could watch and not want to pull my hair out is Sesame Street. Elmo and Bert and Ernie. But they are puppets so wat can they rly do to annoy u?

Believe me, Ive had my fair share of watching these ANNOYING shows every single stinking day!!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Tricky Math Q:

Very tricky math! Note: This must be done in your head only. Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator.

Try it.

Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30...

add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10.

What is the total? Did you get 5000? The correct answer is actually 4100.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Look Here!!!

EVERYONE EVERYONE! Please pay attention...

I have installed a Hit Counter at the bottom of this web page. It counts all the people who visit this site starting May 29 2010. So just be warned I KNOW IF YOU HAVE LOOKED OR NOT. I know that not alot of people look at the bottom of the page, so I figured you needed me to tell you.

Just wanted to make that announcement :)

Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


mom went to some class at the hospital. so im here, babsitting. For the third time this summer. it hasnt even been a week since school has been out!!!

And i went outside to play and work on my tan. well the way the land is, our neighbors backyard is way higher than ours. so they can totally see over our fence into our yard, which is rly awkward and wierd. so im sitting there on a lawn chair, and they can totally see over the fence into our backyard. So im like theres no way im sitting out here, havin these creepers watch me. so i went in :)

but then i went out later, and got my hour of sunshine. so its all good.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


i have new quotes, new recipes (1 actually) and a new Thoughts on...

So dont go saying, oh i didnt know they were there, thats why i didnt comment. cuz that is just a plain lie! Comment on my blog too.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Last Song

Just bought the book, The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. Havent seen the movie yet...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Band Concert

I just went to one of my school's band concertos (thats spanish for concert). It was so great!!!! I always get sentimental at those things. I dont know if its cuz the music (i love classical!) or if it is becuz im going to high school next year (we have the concerts at the high school). But i just know i get kinda thinking and kinda wanna cry. Its weird.
But anyway, it was super fun! I have school-friends that are in band, even a jw, so Im happy and proud of em all :) They all dressed up in dresses, heels, and ties, so it wasnt all dumpy-looking like the casual band concerts, haha.
I dragged my mom, madi, and tyler there too, so i hope they enjoyed it! I had fun.
- <3 kaitlin


Okay so.....

Ive been hearing of ppl who see and read my blog, yet DO NOT COMMENT! what is that all about, huh? I do not appreciate your non-involvement and/or lacking participation! please comment my chicas and chicos.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Piano Recital

I just went to a reeeeally long piano recital for my cousins. They're twins. So cute :)
But it was sooooo long. Not really boring, just kinda annoying. Their teacher was SOOOO annoying! She kept getting up on the stage and giving these REALLY stupid comments and telling these stories. You have no idea!
So anyway, the kids were pretty good. All 68 of them.

Christian played "Red roses for a blue lady".
Oliver had this super cute costume, and played this song about white hills or cliffs or something. I dont remember what it was called, but he was good.

Christian won an award for his costume, which was rly cool. He had a cape, red bow-tie, and my cousin, Elizabeth, was the blue lady. She stood next to the piano and looked sad. It was great.

So we ate ice-cream after, and it was fun. I got to see my distant Phillipeno relatives (by marriage, of course- Im obviously not 30% Phillipeno or anything).

I got carsick on the way back- it was a rly long ride from Garland, so thats a downer.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I got my hair cut!!!! Its waaaay short. kinda scary...but rly cute! My mom says it makes me look way older. hmm. idk.
But i was rly rly scared while she was cutting it. SHe just kept cutting...and cutting. It was getting shorter...and shorter. I was about to panick. But she quit,and she started blow-drying. Then it looked like a mushroom, all poofy and thick and short.
But then she straighted it, and it looked okay.
And now i rly like it!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Honey and Green Tea Facial

Okay so here is this great facial recipe!

You need:
-brewed Green Tea, chilled

Step 1
Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and warm water and pat dry.

Step 2
Apply a thin layer of honey to your face with clean fingers. There is no need to warm the honey beforehand; the warmth of your fingers and face will make it spreadable.

Step 3
Avoid the area around the eye as the skin in that area is very delicate. And even though honey is natural and gentle, it still isn't pleasant getting it in the eye.

Step 4
Leave the honey on for 15 to 20 minutes. It may drip occasionally, so either wear an old shirt, wrap a towel around your neck and shoulders, or better yet, run a warm bath and add some fragrant bubble bath and relax.

Step 6
Remove the honey by rinsing your face with warm water. Don't use cleanser or soap. The honey will come off fairly easily and any left behind will be removed in the next step.

Step 7
Use the green tea on a cotton ball on your face after you've removed most of the honey. Dip the cotton ball in the green tea and stoke the cotton ball over your face and neck. Don't rinse after applying the green tea. Green tea will tighten and close your pores.

If your skin feels too tight after the green tea, use a light moisturizer after the green tea has dried.

WARNING: Obviously, if you are allergic to honey, dont do this. Test it out on your wrist first, if you arent sure whether or not you will be sensitive to it.

I just did it, and my face feels so clean and tight. Its fabulous!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Avatar Plot Fail or Observation Win?

epic fail pictures

Comment if you saw Avatar, and/or if you liked this :)



funny right?


So the drag races are awesome! Me and my dad went this Friday, and it was so much fun. I just like cars. i know its really non-girly of me, but they are just so cool! Like how an engine works, and Nitrus. I love love love Nitrus. Its so neat, it reminds me of a dragon breathing :D
There were actually a few dragsters when we went on Friday. Mostly trailer queens and street legal cars though.
The smoke was insane! When the cars would burn-out (press the brake and acclerator at the same time, making the back tires spin in place, warming them up), white tire smoke went EVERYWHERE! It was crazy, but rly cool. The white-ness of it all added to suspense and atmosphere I think.
Exhaust fumes arent fun, but what can you do? Its a CAR race, you know?
We left around 10:45, and it still wasnt even over. Everytime weve gone, we leave before its over. i have no idea when it really ends, cuz we never stay that long.
It was so fun!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

New stuff

I have a new "Thoughts on..." (2 now)
And some new quotes :) about spring time

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Definition of...HOME

Theres somethin precious and special about coming home.
Coming back to where it all started.
The Place you spend your countless hours doing everything from laundry to homework, to babysitting your neighbors kids.
The energy source.
Its like finding something lost in a world of chaos. and i guess it is.
When the world throws you around, when you feel used and worn, where do u go?
You go home.
A house awaits you, but its not just a house. Its a home.
A home is where love finds joy and they both meet peace.
It creates a combination of family, friends, food, conversation, laughter, sometimes
some yelling, but a heck of a lot of love.
A home doesnt have to be full of family either. Its the people you love that count. Not who gave you your hazel eyes or your cute nose or your freckles. Its who stood by you. Who "loved you when you werent so lovable".

Its the smell of dryer sheets on laundry day.
The blair of cartoons as everyone gets up in the morning.
The smell of grilling before dinner.
Phones ringing.
The dog barking.
Neighbor kids continually knocking on the door.
Your mom yelling at you from the across the house, calling you by your first AND middle name.
That funky sound your fridge makes in the middle of the night, every night.
These are the qualities of a home lived in.
And this is what home means to me.

This Is Your Chance!

I know you cant comment on the other pages so...
This is your chance to comment on my poems and quotes and other stuff. Just say the poem or quote or watever you are talkin bout, then say wat u want about it. Like if you readily agree, or if you think its the stupidist thing on earth... wat?
Go ahead, i dont mind.


Okay come on! does no one like my new colors? I personally like the change (its not so "educational" looking, haha :) I want your opinions! -but plez be encouraging. I want your feedback! Tell me your thoughts on the matter.
-a very intrigued, Kaitlin

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Okay, so there is this girl named Kodi Tutt in Sanger (where i live). She is 5 years old and there are posters all over town for her because she has cancer. Its Neuroblastoma which is a type of luekamia and its so sad!
We went to the one grocery store in the whole town today, and there is this poser on the door telling you all about her. Its so sad cuz shes only 5 years old. and its stage 4, which means there is no cure. The doctors cant get rid of it, its too advanced.

All the schools and buisneses in Sanger are putting pink and purple ribbons on their door fronts to show their support. The whole town is involved! They are having a 5K marathon thing to raise money for her family.

Its just a horrible situation...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

1992 -> 2000

Okay now look at the difference between Bill Clinton in 1992 (the year he got into office):

And Bill Clinton in 2000 (the year he retired):

The difference is obvious! I thought this was sooo interesting that only 8 years in the office as pres could take such a toll on someone!!! I mean, i know that age has a factor here too, but we see that stress leaves its mark for sure...


Okay so i need somethin new to talk bout! give me ideas plez. i love em!
And i also need a new author thats coolio!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

TAKS- Texas Assesment of Knowledge and Skills

TAKS is sooooo dumb.
A waste of time rly.
Dont u all agree?

We had the Math TAKS today. Reading tomarrow.
Bad things about TAKS:
-The room is always for some reason extra cold that day.
-They NEVER have enough tissues.
-Its stressful.
-Its nerve-racking.
-When they tell you to break the little seal, you worry about tearing the packet (well i do).
-You get cramps from sitting so long.
-You sit FOR-EV-ER!!!
-No talking. Impossible!
-If you fail the test, you fail the grade level. Plus its bad news for those who work poorly under pressure (i do). Or someone who is sick that day. Or just feels crappy. Why dont they just use your yearly average??? That makes so much more sense to me! Less stress.
-No other work is done that day in any other classes (not that that is a bad thing-haha).
-You have to watch "educational videos" after...ugh. But better than paper work.
-But theres no homework on TAKS day!!! WOOHOO!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


"I now pronounce you Brother and Sister Noland!"

James and April's wedding was great! April made her own dress, and it was beautiful. She had Stormy and Renee as her maids of honor. They both were soooo pretty! April made their dresses too i think. Br. Peterson gave the wedding talk. It was short and sweet. I rly rly liked it.
And you know what? We were driving home on the highway from eating after the wedding, and we look behind us, and guess who is there? James and April in James' car. It was so funny! They were all smiles :D
i am so happy for them!

Monday, March 29, 2010


ok here are some answers to some comments ive been getting.

1) if ppl want to stay unknown and use, just for example, initials, wen they comment, we shud all respect that. right? i beleive so. but thank u so much for that comment, whoever u are that commented that question :) i appreciated ur question and comment.

2)i do not have 4 retainers! i have 2. one for top. one for bottom. the pic just had 4 for some reason.

3)this is not exactly an answer as just a statement to the public. CHUCK NORRIS NEEDS TO STOP COMMENTING!!!! its rly weird, and I KNOW who the real commenter is, so there is no hiding and i know wat country u live in!!!

hope this was helpful!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Indian Heritage

^^ Piegan Indians ^^

I am part BlackFoot Indian (only like 2.25%) i didnt even know it until recently. Isnt that so cool? i think its fantastic!
This is from:

"The origin of the name is disputed, but it is commonly believed to have reference to the discoloring of their moccasins by the ashes of the prairie fires.
Consisting of three subtribes, the Siksika proper or Blackfeet, the Kainah or Bloods, and the Piegan.
The Blackfeet held most of the immense territory stretching almost from North Saskatchewan river, Canada, to the southern headstreams of the Missouri in Montana, and from about longitude 105° to the base of the Rocky mountains."

Thats just some facts about them.
Neato right?




These are very similar to what my retainers look like...


i love love love not having braces!!!

its so easy to eat...
and brush my teeth...
and floss!!!

Tho its VERRRY annoying to have to take out my retainers every single time i want to eat something....ugh! Now you all are probly like "watever kaitlin, its not THAT big of a deal. good greif suck it up" but you just dont know is all. You just wont know until its YOU in this predictament. So just wait.... DUN DUN DUUUUN (very menacingly). Your turn will come, if it hasnt already gone (or if you were blessed to have freakishly straight teeth)...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Braces Removal


This is such a wonderful occasion! I am so very happy i dont even know what to do with myself! Every time i pass by a mirror, i look in it and smile to reveal my pearly whites. Although i want to want to whiten them a lil more.
This is how they take them off:
First they snap off all your brackets. The wire comes off with the brackets. Then the ortho. doctor comes in, turns on this lil bitty drill thing to get off all the dried glue still on your tooth. Its very loud! She then says, "Do not move or this thing will get your gums instead of your tooth- If your tooth is sensitve, just raise your left hand and i will stop. okay?"
I say okay.
Then she uses it to get all the hard gluey stuff off your teeth. But then you say, "Hey, could you file down that tooth on the bottom? Its kinda uneven."
She says, Sure she can!!! very enthusiastically!
Except for that she doesnt say it will REALLY REALLY hurt to get your tooth filed down. So you IMMEDIATELY are waving your left arm around wildly getting her to stop.
so she does.
Then she gets the tech person to come over there and help make it less painful. The tech puts water on the tooth, and this DOES help. Some.
But anyway, you got that done, so now they give you your retainers. They show you how to get them in and out and give you lots of cute lil sparkly cases to put them in.
Then she gives you a lil bag of candy FULL of laffy taffy, which you havent eaten in OVER TWO YEARS, do to the fact they told you not to and it gets stuck in ur braces. You are just ectstatic!!! So totally happy!!!
Then the tech person takes you over and gets an xray (tho you have no idea why. you have your braces off already, how would an xray help now?), then takes these rly stupid pictures of your mouth with these GIANT plasic strecher things to keep them open. You feel REALLY stupid just then.
Then your mother comes in and both of you have you sign this release form, saying you will wear your retainer at all times, wont microwave or boil it, wont put it low enough for the dog to chew, wont wrap it in a napkin cuz you will end up throwing it away accidentaly if you do, have to pay $125 to get a new one if you lose it, etc.
So then you make an appountment for 6 weeks later to come back and get your retainer tightened if it gets loose or watever, then you leave.
Thats it.
Did i mention im happy??? cuz i am!!!!


Sunday, March 21, 2010


"Nothing makes the Earth so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes."
~Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

So Interesting!

Okay I JUST learned this!
A kid at my school had on this t-shirt last week. I never thought about this, but it said:

And all that isnt too interesting right? But think, that means other states DONT use "fixin' to" as a verb. I use it all the time, that i nvr thought other people dont use, or even know what it means! We all around here know what it means. Like for example "I was just fixin' to do that". I couldnt even think about NOT saying it if I went to a new state. I mean, have you ever thought about that? That we are the ONLY ones who say that? wow... mind boggling! And we probly say a bunch of other hick stuff that other states dont say, if you think about it.

You all probably think im rly stupid or something now, right? But it was an epiphany, and i thought it was rly intereseting, so I thought I should share it with you.

Baby Sitting

Okay so right now Im babysitting Madi. We are watching Go! Diego! Go! and eating Cocoa Cocoa Puffs. (or Po Po Cuffs as Madi calls it. Mom thinks sometimes shes dyslectic, jk) We are eating our cereal out of giant cups instead of bowls. Its easier to clean up :)
So this is going to be a GREAT day...not. She already ran into my mom's room once WHILE I WAS STILL SLEEPING and asked her for gum. GUM!! That is the number one rule- dont wake up mom! She worked at the Hosp. last night and will be sleeping till about 1 or 2 at least. It's only 9:30! ugh....I'll be getting in trouble for that one most likely.
I hope i can hang out with some of my friends this afternoon, hit a $2 movie or somethin...

So wats happenin in yall's part of the world?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Personality type

This is my personality type: ISFJ

This is a description of my personality type:

I think it helps to know what other's personality types are. So you dont get offended so easily or so you know what to expect in a certain instance. Even what to expect from yourself....

You can take a personality test here:

just scroll down and its there.

comment and tell me what personality type u got...
its kinda cool!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Hey okay, let me give all you female readers a lil advice- and it probly is needless cuz youre probly smarter than me. Never -and I mean NEVER- shave your legs with just lotion (ik common sense right?)! I mean, lotion is okay for touch ups, but not for the initial shave. It gives you the worst Razor Burn! eeek! I um...know from experience unfourtanately.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A poem from the heart

How To Be

A petal here,
A petal there,
To be or not-
is life not fair?

A beautiful rose,
full of life,
losing petals.
A life of strife.

The rose stands tall
throughout the storm,
though petals fall,
she's in rare form.

To be or not
is not the question.
is life's direction.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Pie Directions

Banana Split Pie
1 graham cracker crust, ready to eat (that you dont have to bake)
1 bx cream cheese
1 bx strawberries
2 bananas (you might not need both)
1 large can shredded or crushed pineapples
1 small carton heavy whipping cream
bag of sugar

How To:
1)Use 1/2 to the whole bx of cream cheese, mix with about 3 to 4 chopped strawberries with hand mixer. 2)Spread your, now pink, cream cheese into bottom of crust. 3)Slice some banana- enough to cover one layer of your pie- and cover over your cream cheese. 4)Make a layer of strawberries on top of your bananas. 5)Layer on some shredded pineapple. 6)Keep layering until you fill your whole crust. 7)Mix your heavy whipping cream with some sugar -too taste- with a hand mixer until thick, and cover over the whole top of the pie with your whipped cream. 8)Refridgerate until you eat it all gone.

My Favorite Song At The Moment...

When Tomorrow Comes- Eurythmics

Friday, March 5, 2010

I know friends care. I know they want to help. I know that when a friend says somethin that hurts your feelings, they dont do it on purpose.
But why? Why do they think they dont have to apologize when they make you hurt? Ive apologized.
I just dont get it...can someone help me understand?

This is for My Girls!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

3 Poems for the Season

Winter Iris
© Cathleen J. Rowland

Winter snow is falling down
Covering the earth in a blanket clean
I dream of sunshine on my face
The beauty of the garden, so serene

Dawn's brilliant colors fill the sky
Dew drops glisten in its rays
Birds in song, the sweet smell of spring
The valley full of morning haze

Amidst the tulips and daffodils
And tiny white daisies tangling wild
My purple lovelies greet the day
With the innocence of a child

Standing tall with majesty
And colors of the deepest hue
Grace is added to the garden
Creating a perfect view

The winter snow is still gently falling
But I have warmth within my heart
For soon the buds will break the ground
And reveal a lovely work of art.

© Sally Plumb

Winter's cold,
the year grows old.
Trees are bare,
no flowers fair do bloom.

The day it's dark
and night fires spark.
The stream is frozen.
Winter's chosen, cold and bitter.

Awaiting Spring

Soon the flowers will begin to bloom
Filling the air with the sweetness of their perfume
The snow will begin to thaw for springs arrival bright
The beauty of the days of the soft and warm sunlight
The blossoms on the tree will begin to gently grow
Flowers dancing upon the breeze that begins to softly blow

The beautiful sights and sounds that the spring will bring
The songbirds pretty song that he begins to sing
Upon soft wings soaring high above to his nest under skies so blue
Warmer days as the springtime begins anew
Wildlife emerging from their dens after the long winter time

Butterflies fluttering upon beautiful wings of spring
Upon the window ledges and branches the birds begin to gracefully sing
The wam sound of childrens laughter as they enjoy a springtime day
In springtime there is so much beauty in nature to see along the way
The gentleness of the beauty of the birds soaring gracefully in the breeze
The beauty of the springtime flourishing as the beauty unfolds

Which peom is your favorite???

Saturday, February 20, 2010


So Guess what?
Im sick again. or still. depends on the way you look at it.
anyway its just depressing. my immune system is shot. i get a cold, and i cant get rid of it. it ends up turning into tonsillitis or strep. then i have to get anti-biotics and that stuff isnt rly good for you. kills all the good bacteria in ur body. so your immune system is depleted even more, and if i get sick again it just gets worse until Spring. until it warms up and my immune system is better.
stupid viruses!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010


okay so i sprained my wrist in -dont laugh- soccer.

I know, how do hurt your WRIST in SOCCER, right? your not supposed to use your hands! well I was the goalie, thank u very much, and I was blocking the soccer ball with the palm of my hand (i know thats stupid, right?).

the kid that was kicking the ball had kicked it rly hard and it bent my hand backward too far- thats called Hyper Extension btw.
And to make it worse, my PE coach was LAUGHING at me!! LAUGHING!!! In my pain and misery, when im jumping all over the gym practically crying, she is watching me and laughing.

so it rly hurts and im wearing this wrap thing with velcro to keep my wrist still.

i can still write- and type obviously- so its not THAT inconveniant, but the wrappy thing gets my hand all sweaty and stuff, ewwww :P!

But I get to get out of PE until it completely heals :D

-A very uncomfortable Kaitlin

Sunday, February 14, 2010


They say this is the most snow we have EVER had here!!!!
I thot the record was last year, but i guess we beat it. isnt that crazy???
and its already mostly melted!
so unfair....but i hear its supposed to snow more later, so we'll see.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Day

its just white white white everywhere! so exciting.
plus- that means no school!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Once Again...

Once again, I am sitting here on the couch, where Im supposed to be at school. I just ate a poptart, and sneezed for the billionth time today. Ive already used up 2 boxes of tissue and 2 of those lil pocket tissues that you can put in your purse.

I HATE taking medicine! Just took Mucinex and Benedryl. yummy :P

My eyes wont quit watering, and i feel awful!!! plus, im gonna have XTRA homework tommarrow b/c i missed today...ugh! this is the second day for me to miss school in the past month (past 30 days). thats probly the most ive ever missed within a few weeks of each other. i nvr miss school!! its like an impossibility for me.

Im listening to Pyromania (Die hard the Hunter) on my new Sansa Clip :), typing this. Mom is sleeping on the other couch, with Madi watching the tv -Dora, of course- next to her. Ive already heard Swiper one too many times this morning for my taste.

This day is going to be great, I can already tell.

story of my life.


Sunday, February 7, 2010


"the steeper the mountain the harder the climb the better the view from the finishing line"
-this is my new status quote on gmail

"Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm ... As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands. One for helping yourself, the other for helping others."
-of course, this is inspirational

"Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness,heart, talent, guts. That's what little girls are made of; the heck with sugar and spice."
- Bethany Hamilton said that, and it is VERY true (i would know, im a lil girl :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dear John Quote

"It can be coins or sports or politics or horses or music or faith....the saddest people I've ever met in life are the ones who dont care deeply about anything at all. Passion and satisfaction go hand in hand, and without them, any happieness is only temporary because there's nothing to make it last."

-by character, Savannah Lynn Curtis
in Dear John
by Nicholas Sparks




NICHOLAS SPARKS IS SO COOL! HE WROTE The Notebook, and A Walk To Remember (i love those movies!!!!) I THINK HE'S GONNA BE THE NEXT AUTHOR OF THE WEEK.

Friday, January 29, 2010


ok well its 6:35 pm and it feels like 9. I feel just fabulous, and you know becuz of my latest posts, right? i just wrote a poem and its rly long. i wanna eat dinner, but i dont know if its ready yet or not. i was g-mail chatting, but she logged off without word or comment. but its okay becuz we were sitting idle (or as g-mail calls it). I dont rly have anything to do or report. im going out of town tmrw. thats new, i guess....

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Doctor's Visit- Part 2

so i dont have strep-throat. thank goodness! but my mom thinks i have tonsilitus. however you spell that idk. the doctor didnt say i had that, she just gave me anti-biotics. yay! (not)

So after all that, and i got a sticker of a purple kitty and got a cherry safe-sucker, we went to Chick-Fil-A and i ate lunch. Then i went back to school and walked into art class.
plus, when i was signing myself back in at school, i signed my name on the wrong list (see picture)! the office-aide kid had to POINT IT OUT TO ME! isnt that awful? then i went to art class and didnt eat anything at lunch. That was my day, without the rest of it.

My Doctor's Visit

I went to the doctor today. It was so weird cuz i was at school until 2nd period then i left until 5th and came back. i walked into the middle of art class! that was strange. they were talking about how files never are rly deleted on the internet. that they just float around forever. that was strange too.

anyway, i went to the doctor and she was rly nice! she always is though. the nurse measured and weighed almost 5'5". and im not gonna say how much i weigh! so forget about it.

then she had to test me for strep-throat. have u ever been tested for strep throat?? it is not fun! there is this gigantic q-tip (see picture) that she swabbs your tonsils with. it hurt me because that area is very sesitive right now that i am sick and it makes you gag! she tried to do it once and i wasnt prepared so i jerked back and she had to do it again....ugh!!!

***See the next blog for the answer to wether or not i have strep-throat***

A Dream Within A Dream

A Dream Within A Dream by Edgar Allan Poe

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow--
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand--
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep--while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Friendship Quote

This is for you. I found it and at first glance thought of this person. I know you know who you are- i <3 u....

“If distance were measured in terms of the heart we'd never be more than a minute apart.”

Pencil Chewers

What do you think of pencil chewers?

Are you yourself, a pencil chewer?

Does this mean, if you are a chewer of pencils, that you approve of such behavior? Just because you have a certian habit, does not mean you wish to have it...

I disagree with such behavior, because of sanitation of course. It's just so un-sanitary to chew on something many other hands, besides yours, have touched! That carry millions of germs and thousands of bacteria that could find its way into your mouth and into your body! (And don't even get me started on what would happen if SOMEONE ELSE had already chewed on it.) They then make you sick and spread to other people, making THEM sick, all because you couldnt control your nerves or find a stress ball! You had to chew on that pencil!!! No wonder we have epidemics all the time....

Monday, January 25, 2010


Im supposed to be at school right now...
...but Im at home on the couch instead.
I woke up this morning with a fever of 101.2. My mom wouldnt let me go to school. If it was up to me, I would never miss school. I HATE missing school!!! not that i love it or anything, but i just get depressed if i sit at home all day. School gives me something to do.
My throat hurts and my head feels like its full of cotton balls. and i have a headache where it hurts to keep my eyes open...ive been reading, but with ill effects. watching tv now, some animal planet thing about dogs.
altho it hasnt ruined my appetite any :) ive been eating all day long! haha

Saturday, January 23, 2010


My goat had babies!!! Her name is Snowy and she had 3 babies. the correct word is "kids". isnt that funny?

anyway she had 3 and thats so surprising because a goats first litter is supposed to only be 1! she was huge when she was pregnant, so we thought she would have 2 at the most! I never even thought 3. Now we have 5 goats in our possession.

She had them in the barn, which is smart of her. Goats are not the smartest of animals so we hoped she wouldnt decide to have them in the middle of a field somewhere.

but she didnt and they are so cute! 1 bigger white one and 2 smaller brown ones with white spots. you cant get better than that! :D there are always the small ones in a litter, especially where the mom might have trouble caring for all of em.

a new goat mommy :)