The best way out is always through...
-Robert Frost
"And if I give all my belongings to feed others, and if I hand over my body, that I may boast, but do not love, I am not profited at all."

-1 Corinthians 13:3

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Water Painter

Some of you may have recieved the email I sent, but if you didnt, here is the link to the Water Painter. And I mean he paints water. Not water colors. It is THE coolest thing ever. I loved it :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Samsung Solstice II

I have a new phone!!! Its a Samsung Slostice II :D Its all touch except for the call, end, and back buttons. My background is green (all 3 of them)! haha. I changed my font to look more like hand writing instead of type. Its pretty cool. Im really happy with it. ESP the fact that it works!!! Isnt it great to have a phone you can actually CALL people with?! wow...who woulda known.
Tho the ringtones are REALLY annoying. I need to download some better ones...

I can hear Madi yelling from the backyard. Her and mom keep yelling about the gate to the backyard. I dont know why.

So someone stole my lock in PE last week. I dont see why someone would steal a combination lock, it wouldnt do them any good without the code. And they didnt steal any of my stuff either. Just the lock was missing. So I thought that was weird. And i was highly highly irritated at this as well. Now i share a locker with another girl in my PE class because I dont want any one to steal my un-guarded clothing/shoes. Isnt that interesting...

Friday, February 18, 2011

My Favorite Words

Well i was going to tell you what my favorite words are, but i cant think of any. So...yeah. oops.

Im watching Monk. Ive seen this episode about 3 times...this guy is killed, found in a port-a-potty at a music festival :P
everyone says he just OD-ed but Monk says no, he was MURDERED.
so thats how that went down. Wanna know who did it?! This other guy in the same band :o And he stole the dead guy's song about his daughter :( So awful...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

chicken lasagna

Well Wall-E is over. I was just watching it here in my room. Its such a cute movie! I love it.
Today I took some more pictures at school, in PE, on the football feild. I think im a pretty snazzy photographer too. The pictures are really good. Though I didnt take all the of them, I cant take all the credit here.

Well Im gonna go eat some chicken lasagna :) Will be back...

A few minutes later...
Well im back now. I ate my lasagna and one plate more. It was gooood...mmm :) Im so stinkin full!!! OH and i had watermelon kool-aid? i think. It was pink?

What did you have for dinner?! I want to, NEED TO!, know. haha im just pulling your leg. I dont NEED to know what you had for dinner.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day Time TV

Well im not at school, once again, due to sleet and snow. annoying. Now i have to finish my art project here at home, not what i want to do. But its due Friday and Im not even close. What do you guys think of me putting up pics of some of artwork here? I can make a link to them on the side panal and everything! i think its a good idea.

HAHA! i love love those All State mayhem commercials. Esp the GPS one. "recalculating!". lol....oh its great.

So im so bored. That seems to be the theme of this month. Sitting at home, in pjs, cold, bored. I hope i get to go to school tmrw.
Let me tell you, day time tv is awful. Nothing is on :P

Friday, February 4, 2011

Paul Pics

This picture wouldnt fit in the side panal, so Im putting it here :) I just wanted you guys to see it bc i love it so much! *Heart It*

Oh What the heck. Look at this one too :)


I just came inside from the snow, and my pants are still wet. It is at LEAST 7 inches in our yard out there.
And everyone knows i live right by a pond right? (Well, if you didnt, now you do.) Anyways, we let Jenny out in the front yard for a while to play in the snow. She decided to run crazily, and went over by the playground.
By that time Mom wanted me to get the leash and collar because more people with more dogs were coming outside. so i run to the house and get Norm to get the stuff, and Im just waitin in the garage. Well then Norm comes out and we see Tyler sprinting up the hill toward us and yelling "DAD! DAD!"
He tells us Jenny fell in the ice, and hasnt come out yet. We ALL start running by then and its very difficult you know, to sprint in foot deep snow. I almost fell like 3 times going down the hill. We finally get to the pond and Mom and the neighbor and Madi and Jenny are all in the pond. Theres a thin layer of ice over the whole thing. Madi is the only one who hasnt fallen through, shes too light. Shes kind of standing on top of it. Mom and Jenny and the neighbor are in the reeds, at the waters edge. The water is up to Moms hip. It looks very cold. Theyre trying to pull Jenny out.
We get to the waters edge and i help mom get out of the snow. Norm grabs Jenny and puts the collar and leash on. We all walk back to the house and I turn on a tub of warm water and we all put our feet in it and it HURTS bc my feet were SOOO numb and frozen.

So that was our adventure. What was yours?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Im Stir Crazy! ! ! !

What is today? The 3rd? idk...ill have to look at the date of when this post was published. ha no joke.

Im so off. This week has been so weird! I havent been to school in 5 days...its about to be 6 too! The news hasnt actually SAID Sanger is closed Thursday, but Denton is and Sanger just does whatever Denton does, usually.

Someone tell me something interesting. I want something to think about. Im used to being exhausted when i get home, im not used to being so well rested :) haha.
But seriously, gimme something.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kroger Hysteria

We have this thing called Skyward for my school, and its like an access for parents to look at their kids grades and stuff like that. (My school is really good at calling parents too about absences :P sometimes annoyingly). Anyways, i looked at Skyward for myself this morning and apparently, i was "Present" in both art and PE yesterday, when i was obviously home all day long... hmmm....

We dont have school today! :) too much ice. and snow. we found out like LAST night. Thats how fast they closed everything down. Norm was in town yesterday, and he said he had NEVER seen that many people in Kroger ever. Everyone thought we were gonna be snowed in for a week i guess. I thought it was funny. I can just picture all these hundreds of people running through Kroger, screaming, trying to find frozen pizzas and toilet paper. Then the checkout line would be clear to the back of the store. Isnt it funny to picture?? I think so.

Anyways, i just got up and im just sittn here watching Go Diego Go with Madi in my room. So I thought id tell you whats up.

And that is whats up. So...yeah. Bye