The best way out is always through...
-Robert Frost
"And if I give all my belongings to feed others, and if I hand over my body, that I may boast, but do not love, I am not profited at all."

-1 Corinthians 13:3

Thursday, May 5, 2011


So I had to stay after school today to work on my art proj. It was around 4:30 ish. My phone was dead this morning, so I used someone else's to call my mom and tell her to come get me.
There is one arts hall. It has band, art, choir. So I step out into the hall because Im fixing to leave. I take one look at the hall and walk right back into the art room. Lining the hall on both sides are dozens of band kids, sitting on the floor, all wearing their band shirts. They ALL turn to look at who's walking into the hall.
So Im back in the art room, wondering what to do. I really dont want to walk down that hall. But its the only way out.
So I start out the door once more, with the same girl whose phone I used, and its eerily quiet. Like super silent. Im really freaked out. All these band kids are just staring, not saying a word. I look to the girl walking next to me, and say "Hey" to get her attention, to give her back her phone. Dozens of SSSSHHHHH!!!!!'s scare me to death. Im like "What the heck?!" In my mind. The closest kid, at the end of the line, is like "Theyre recording in the choir room." Recording what?? Im totally confused, but I just nod and am like Okay.
Super embarrassing.
THEN the kids at the other end of the line are trying to trip me! Like hello! cuz THATS not gonna make a noise, when I fall on my face :P

Then I realize, they could probably hear every single word we had said in the art room just minutes before...goodness.

Anyways, that was embarrassment of the day. Hope you enjoyed.


Song I was listening to while writing this:

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I have a dream...

I have a dream...
A dream where everyone reads and comments regularly. A dream where the world was actually connected by comments on blogs. Oh, how I dare to dream...


Love this song!! <3

The sun is up
The sky is blue
Its beautiful
And so are you,
Dear Prudence

Today was the Special Talk...It was really good :) I took notes! ("Of course you did," youre thinking.) A ton of people showed up for it. The meeting even ran over time a lil bit! Everyone stayed after later than usual too. How was yours at your hall?!