The best way out is always through...
-Robert Frost
"And if I give all my belongings to feed others, and if I hand over my body, that I may boast, but do not love, I am not profited at all."

-1 Corinthians 13:3

Monday, September 20, 2010


I am officailly DONE with my first science project!!!!! I am so exstatic about I feel all happy inside that its OVER. Ive been like working on this thing for about 2 weeks now...I turn it in tmrw and I will be very happy to. I worked so hard I think I deserve a 100, but thats just me :) lol. no I think Ill at least get an A...I should, as hard as I worked on it.

And yesterday, we found a black widow in the back of the was huge!! She was gaurding an egg sack, which had lil baby black widows coming out of was DISGUSTING. So we killed them all, and put the mom black widow into an empty pickle jar, and I took it science class with me today. I gave her to my science teacher, and I think she was happy :) i was too. I had been carrying that thing around all day, and in every class, i took it out and set it on my desk, just to see everyone freak out. It was great, haha!!

well see ya!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I need to update my Dreams and Thoughts on...
But i dont wanna :/

So ill think about it and get back to you on that.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


okay well this contact thing is getting waaaay easier...just wanted to add that in here real quick....

And i got my first Progress Report this week!!! (thats the report card i get every 3 weeks. not the REAL report card)

so im pretty happy with it...all A's so far this year! yay!!

This week is Homecoming at my know, the "big game" and the dance. yadda yadda. watever. it doesnt really interest me all that much...

So we had our first fire drill yesterday too. it was cool. not really. it was actually muddy outside and we had to go in the grass :P but now i am prepared if there is a fire in second period!!! *fists in the air!* YES!

I did my first "sketchbook assignment" this week! its due thursday, but i finished it today, so i am way ahead! hooray!!



Friday, September 10, 2010

School Details

Spanish is GREAT!!! My favorite class of the day :)

History is UGHHHH. so annoying. I have not a one amigo in there. Ive made a few friends that sit around me, but Im still unhappy :( And a coach is teaching it. Which is supposed to make it really easy right? WRONG. It is not gonna be an easy A.

Science is so fun! My lab partner is named Savannah and shes so awesomely smart and cool. We have to disect a rat this year!!! *disgusted face*

Then i go to lunch and its just lunch. pretty good i guess...

I go art after that, and its kinda boring. I only know like 2 people in there, cuz the rest are all like juniors and seniors. pooey. but so i really like the art teacher! she doesnt let other kids get away with goofing off, which i really like.

Math is cool cuz we get to eat in there (today i finished my potatoe chips from lunch cuz i was done with all my math stuff) but the kids are annoying. Its all the kids that fail every class all year long, just becuz they are too lazy to turn in work.

PE of course is not fun, but bearable. This is my first time in 4 years to have a male coach.

Then i go to english which is a bore. I dont know why i keep taking advanced english classes...I always regret it. Today we had a "discussion" debate thing about this book we had to read over the summer.

so thats my day in a nut shell :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


oh my gosh it is POURING outside!!! The thunder is SOOOO loud! the house is like shaking.
i got out of school today and it was raining, had been for a few hours. So its raining and the school doesnt have any awnings or anything to stand under. so i stood next to this brick posty thing that blocked the rain. cuz it was comin down in sheets sideways. not straight down.
so its still raining and im sittin in my room. doin World Geo homework. seriously i had SOOOO much hw today! good greif it was alot. Science this year is a beating! (oh im sorry BIOLOGY) were ALREADY doing a project. she gave it to us on the 2ND day of school!!!!! insane right?!?!
madi got these soooo cute high tops! They are hot pink and sparly with flowers and butterflies on them!! haha shes been wearing them non-stop since she got em.

and now im just rambling. yay for me!! *rolls eyes*

and its still raining.
