The best way out is always through...
-Robert Frost
"And if I give all my belongings to feed others, and if I hand over my body, that I may boast, but do not love, I am not profited at all."

-1 Corinthians 13:3

Monday, June 28, 2010


Tommarrow Madi is turning 4 years old!!!! I feel so old....

I remember the day she was born...
We were at my granparents house that night, back when they had an apt. We woke up, pretty early, and got ready. Driving to the hospital, it was light out already (This was in June remember). We come thru the doors and try to find the room mom is in. she is layin on the bed, still very pregnant. They are waiting for the OR to be clear, so they can go do the scheduled C section they had planned weeks ago. Another woman was having an Emergency C section at the moment so we had to wait.
Finally the OR is clear, so they can go in (Mom and Norm that is). So we go to the Labor and Delivery Waiting Room. As Mom walks to the OR then gets her Epidural, we are all just sittin around. Then we here she was born, and we go to the big window that is n front of the nursery. we watch the nurse clean Madi up, and get weighed. The nurse scrubbed and scrubbed, but she just wouldnt get clean! Madi was screaming so loud was soooo red. Even after we left the window we could still hear her. Alot of family were there, Me and tyler, Grandma and granpa Glynn, B-mama, Grahm, Norm and Shirley.
Then we went back to the waiting room and ate burritos waiting for mom to get out of the OR. Madi had to stay in the nursey for a little while, while they finished cleaning her. Later that day we went back to the hospital to see mom and madi finally, and I got to hold her :)

But that was 4 years ago!! 4 years!! I cant even believe it.

Sunday June 27th

Oh my gosh i am so bored. I should tan outside somemore....

Yesterday was the grad party for Dillon T and Gabe and Lorena Bautista at the Blaggs house. It was HOOOOOTTTT. Around 101 degrees. They have a pool though so it was nice. I didnt want to even get in originally, but then Madi wanted to swim, and she cant go in the pool by herself. So either me or my granpa would have to go in, so i went in reluctantly. But it was much nicer in the pool then just sittin beside it. Even if you were in the shade.
But the party was alot of fun. They had 2 gigantic cakes!! One was made up of cupcakes, and the other was just a giant brick of a cake. It was at least 6 inches thick, no joke! I left with my granparents and went to their house. Then we went home. And all this after getting up at 7:30 and getting READY for the meeting, then GOING to the meeting. What a day. But that was yesterday. Today is Monday. Woop-ty Doo :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I love writing letters! Its so much more fun than just calling someone. You get to write it, which no one writes letters anymore so its different. And then you get to put it in an envelope (I have perfected the 3 fold!!!), seal it, write the addresses on there, put that little red flag up on ur mailbox.
The only thing is, its more expensive than just emailing or calling, if you have unlimited txting or calling. Stamps cost moola and they wont send without them. And envelopes. Paper costs $$$. But not THAT much :) thank goodness. I couldnt live without paper. Hello -Books!!!! And Im constantly writing stories or poems or sketching things. I just wrote a new poem today actually. Its pretty good I think. Maybe ill type it up here later.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Ive got over 200!! (check the bottom of this page) Its so EXCITING!!!
Whos excited?! ME!!! thats who!!

Ive been working on my tan, and i know i am DEFINATLEY tanner than i was at the end of the school year. I still have a ways to go, but its a start. Any body have suggestions for moi?

Stay Awesome!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Reluctant Heiress

June 19

Today is June 19th...blah blah blah. Wat shall i do today?
Well i have to pick up (clean that is) the for tmrw's Watchtower study....go over Ch. 10 in the Bible Teach....Look at 10 more q's in the Organized book....wat else?
I just took a shower. Madi had one too. So were all clean :)
Right now she is in the process of attempting to make my bed. I believe she needs some help, so Ima go for now. TTYL,


remember, i <3 u!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Vizsla Puppies

We have puppies!!!!

They were born a few weeks ago, and are just recently opening their eyes. Samantha, our Hungarian Vizsla (pronounced Vee-si-la) is the mother. 5 girls and 2 boys. Soooo cute!!! They are red-brown in color, and are about 6 inches long now. They just scootch around cuz their legs are so short right now they cant really walk on them, and its adorable :D

Vizslas are bird hunting dogs, and are very slender and sleek with very short hair, so you cant keep then outdoors in winter or else they will "freze to def" as Madi would say.

We will be selling them when they get old enough and they are full bred vizsla, so if you are planning on buying a vry expensive puppy stay in touch, haha.


Whose been to Fuzzy's? Its pretty good. And Cassidy, i know you guys took me but that doesnt give u bragging rights :)

Anyways, i had fish tacos, and they were GOOD. Im just sitting here at my computer and there is this Fuzzy's Tacos cup next to me, so i thought i would write about it. Thats how bored i am.

Shout Out!

This is a shout out to my cuz, Elizabeth, becuz she is an awesome person! I believe u can do many amazing things if u set ur mind to it. You are so smart (were you rly valadictorian?) and beautiful. Keep up with ur studyin of the scriptures and ull go places chica!!!

Love, K

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

! ! ! ! !

Notice!!! I have hit over a 100 viewers since May 29th! Thats insane!!!
how many days is that?!

didnt know i was that popular....
but all these people need to start commenting!!!


Favorite Song

Okay so my new favorite song of the day is Alice (underground) by Avril Lavigne. I know its supposed to be for that certain movie -which is great btw- but it kind of falls into the catagory of just life in general. Like,
"I'm freaking out, where am I now?
Upside down and I can't stop it now
Can't stop me now, oh oh"

Can be pertained to most bad things that happen in life. you know?

Anyway i like that song and i like this Beatles song called Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Its a really wierd song, but really cool too...haha.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Like the new Blog Template?! I love it and think its pretty!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mall Cops

Im watching this show called Mall Cops: Mall of America. These policmen (and police-women) have to deal with these people you wouldnt believe. And they know theyre on tv too! So its even more embarressing.Its crazy how rediculous some of these people are!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Summer Reading List

I have to read this book over summer break called Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. I dont even think it has anything to do God. I dont know. Havent read it. Found it on Amazon for $0.05!!! shipping is like 4 bucks though...haha

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Kid Shows

Why do lil kid's shows have to be so stinking abnoxious?

Hannah Montana, Phineas and Ferb, Spongebob, Big Time Rush, Max and Ruby, Cyberchase, Martha Speaks, etc.

The only one that i could watch and not want to pull my hair out is Sesame Street. Elmo and Bert and Ernie. But they are puppets so wat can they rly do to annoy u?

Believe me, Ive had my fair share of watching these ANNOYING shows every single stinking day!!!