The best way out is always through...
-Robert Frost
"And if I give all my belongings to feed others, and if I hand over my body, that I may boast, but do not love, I am not profited at all."

-1 Corinthians 13:3

Monday, June 28, 2010


Tommarrow Madi is turning 4 years old!!!! I feel so old....

I remember the day she was born...
We were at my granparents house that night, back when they had an apt. We woke up, pretty early, and got ready. Driving to the hospital, it was light out already (This was in June remember). We come thru the doors and try to find the room mom is in. she is layin on the bed, still very pregnant. They are waiting for the OR to be clear, so they can go do the scheduled C section they had planned weeks ago. Another woman was having an Emergency C section at the moment so we had to wait.
Finally the OR is clear, so they can go in (Mom and Norm that is). So we go to the Labor and Delivery Waiting Room. As Mom walks to the OR then gets her Epidural, we are all just sittin around. Then we here she was born, and we go to the big window that is n front of the nursery. we watch the nurse clean Madi up, and get weighed. The nurse scrubbed and scrubbed, but she just wouldnt get clean! Madi was screaming so loud was soooo red. Even after we left the window we could still hear her. Alot of family were there, Me and tyler, Grandma and granpa Glynn, B-mama, Grahm, Norm and Shirley.
Then we went back to the waiting room and ate burritos waiting for mom to get out of the OR. Madi had to stay in the nursey for a little while, while they finished cleaning her. Later that day we went back to the hospital to see mom and madi finally, and I got to hold her :)

But that was 4 years ago!! 4 years!! I cant even believe it.


  1. hey btw whut do u mean about the eva ibbotson book about the first 10 chapter?

  2. well they were just hard to understand, and frankly kinda boring haha. but it has a great twist ending :)
