The best way out is always through...
-Robert Frost
"And if I give all my belongings to feed others, and if I hand over my body, that I may boast, but do not love, I am not profited at all."

-1 Corinthians 13:3

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pencil Chewers

What do you think of pencil chewers?

Are you yourself, a pencil chewer?

Does this mean, if you are a chewer of pencils, that you approve of such behavior? Just because you have a certian habit, does not mean you wish to have it...

I disagree with such behavior, because of sanitation of course. It's just so un-sanitary to chew on something many other hands, besides yours, have touched! That carry millions of germs and thousands of bacteria that could find its way into your mouth and into your body! (And don't even get me started on what would happen if SOMEONE ELSE had already chewed on it.) They then make you sick and spread to other people, making THEM sick, all because you couldnt control your nerves or find a stress ball! You had to chew on that pencil!!! No wonder we have epidemics all the time....