The best way out is always through...
-Robert Frost
"And if I give all my belongings to feed others, and if I hand over my body, that I may boast, but do not love, I am not profited at all."

-1 Corinthians 13:3

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

TAKS- Texas Assesment of Knowledge and Skills

TAKS is sooooo dumb.
A waste of time rly.
Dont u all agree?

We had the Math TAKS today. Reading tomarrow.
Bad things about TAKS:
-The room is always for some reason extra cold that day.
-They NEVER have enough tissues.
-Its stressful.
-Its nerve-racking.
-When they tell you to break the little seal, you worry about tearing the packet (well i do).
-You get cramps from sitting so long.
-You sit FOR-EV-ER!!!
-No talking. Impossible!
-If you fail the test, you fail the grade level. Plus its bad news for those who work poorly under pressure (i do). Or someone who is sick that day. Or just feels crappy. Why dont they just use your yearly average??? That makes so much more sense to me! Less stress.
-No other work is done that day in any other classes (not that that is a bad thing-haha).
-You have to watch "educational videos" after...ugh. But better than paper work.
-But theres no homework on TAKS day!!! WOOHOO!!!


  1. i actually love taks... its sooo awesome...
    like its rly easy, and then you can just sit and read.. or sleep...

  2. so wait, if taks is a waste of time, why did u write like a whole page about it?

  3. Hey now, cassidy, Come on. dont do the whole reverse sychology watever thing on me!

  4. wow im glad i was grounded from the puter and cudnt b part of that convo

  5. haha, yeah abby! brutal stuff- jk. i love u cass! :D

  6. mhmm yeah sure... thats wat they all say.... jk...
    but what convo, abby? im confuzeled... we werent fightn or nothn...

  7. i think she just means the sarcastic comments cassidy...
